Thursday, June 25, 2009

Can anyone say HELL YA to the the new fiber oatmeal???

I was shopping for some health foods over at Fred Meyer's and stumbled upon a new oatmeal in a box which contains single packets of either cinnamon or maple. MMMMMMmmmm, I love it and it has 10 friggin grams of fiber per packet and 160 calories. That's good for a meal, like break feast or lunch or heak, even dinner. So ya, anyhow juat wanted to let you know. Oooo, and my father picked fresh cherries yesterday from our backyard, yum yum! Cherries are good for ya and have like 75 calories per cup!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great! I'll look for some next time I'm at a health food store. (:
    Stay strong!
