Friday, July 17, 2009

Oh ya.... another down, a lot more to go.

I'm down one more nasty pound, yay! But I wish it wouldn't take that long! Ugh, people loose up to 3 pounds a day! Come on Anna, you can do this! Still hanging on to the master cleanse, let's hope the weight doesn't hang onto me!
I'll keep you informed. Love you!!!!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I have so much flippin energy it's crazy! I think it's due to the MC that I am on. ( Master cleanse) I feel good.... still 133, but hey I'm not complaining as long as it does not go up. I do not know how long I shall do this for but as long as I have the strength, I shall proceed and stride forward. I love all of you who comment, you are my thinspiration!!! Keep up the good work!!! I will feed you with more updates... you'd rather eat that then food, huh? Lol.
Love ya!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Down another pound!!!!

I'm currently 133.... yay!!!!!!!!
Started the master cleanse..... want coffee.... I can do this!!!!!
Think thin... think thin.... think thin!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Down 3 pounds!

So... I weighed myself this morning and I was amazed!!! I'm 134! Yay! But It's still flippin high, I was pretty much doing all liquids, except Saturday.... Well I started out with liquids, but friends invited me to the ocean, which let to BBQ which then turned out into me eating it. I honestly didn't want to, but they insisted and were like common girl, so out of respect to_, whom made the meat, I let in. I didn't have a lot though, like 4 ounces, then I had 2 red bulls (light) and 2 oatmeal raisin cookies and a 100 calorie nutty bar. Junk food day, I guess. But I'm pretty sure I burned 2x more than my intake because we played volleyball for like 3 hours straight!! Then I took my friends puppy for a walk down the shore, Ahhh I just love the coast! The smell, the sound, just pure relaxation.
Today is another liquid day. So far I had 2 servings of the Bolthouse drink (320 cal) very diluted oatmeal with fiber (160) and a "eat candy to loose weight" lollipop (50 cal) its with ginseng, hoodia and other appetite suppressants. It's good, and makes me feel full.
So, I'm hoping to keep it up. Oh ya, I was going to start the lemon juice diet but my sister came over on friday and saw the syrup and lemons and asked if she could try the diet so I gave it all to her. I gotta go get more because I NEED to do it.
LOve ya!!!!!!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

I Love Coffee!

If you could dream, very slowly
Could you, would you touch me?
If you could taste aromatically,
Would you satisfy yourself?

If you could dare to hold on dearly
Would you?
If you could take me, anywhere
Would you?

If you can say yes,
If you dare to see
If you can confess
If you care to always be with me

Close your eyes, fall into the desire
Take me in slowly,
Dare to believe you're holding everything
Taste me and take in all that you ever wanted
And care only for me

Breathe in the dream, the taste
Hold on until I'm gone
Please accept you are with me
And I, am simply coffee

Revised By ME *)

Mmmmmmm, I love coffee.
It's a drug, the one I cannot live without, and do not dare to think about.

I am still 137.... Will try to stay all liquid today. I had a Starbucks double-shot light (70 cals) and got a spicy V8... also only (70 cals) a bottle. I will have it later, and another Bolthouse protein drink (160 cals per serving) contains 4 servings. I also brought my favorite fiber packed oatmeal packets. Just in case ill get a serious craving, Ill just dilute it with lots of water (160 cal)

Love you all to the bones!!!!!!!! Anna Banana: )

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Yay! Down another pound!!!

So.... I got's some good news! My friend which I was supposed to go out for sushi last night had something come up so she couldn't go.... will I sounded kind of sad but when I thought abut it, i was so so happy that we didn't go! That saved me like 600 calories! So yesterday was even better than I planned, it WAS an all liquid day! Only 945 calories consumed! Yay!!!! Today will also be an all liquid day.... I started out with a venti soy latte, from then on I will have like a soup at hand, and a protein Bolthouse shake. Wish me luck, Love YA!!!
P.S. I'm down a pound, I am currently 137. Sish, eww....

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lose 10% of body fat and you are on your way to better health

body_chart_people.gifSO, my plan is to loose at least 10% of body fat, which as of today, will put me at 124.2

That is -13.8 of 138, which is 10% of what I weigh right now. So, to get thinks moving and going down, I'm starting with a low calorie intake, followed by just liquids, leading into the master cleanse which I will start monday. I cant just all of the sudden eat a krispy kreme doughnut and begin the cleanse the next morning, it's absurd. You always need to prepare a few days in advance so that you don't get withdrawals from food as well as caffeine. So, today is partially liquid, part solids. THis morning I had a soy latte, and will be drinking a protein Bolthouse drink throughout dinner. THen for dinner my friend invited me for sushi, therefore it cannot be an ALL liquid day. I think I shall do that tomorrow. No big plans for then. Just work and maybe after I'll go to my sisters to play with the kids ( sneak in some exercise while jumping on the trampoline w/ them. He he!) Then, the rest of the week will tell. I will be praying for strength from God. Anyhow, I went out and purchased the stuff for the master cleanse (the syrup is $pendy!) but its all worthwhile, I guess. The juice part seems ok, but the salt water flush.... makes me gag thinking about it. I don't like very salty stuff. Oh well, it's gonna be worth it, I can feel it in my bones.... wait, I mean I will feel my bones. LOL, Ok so lovlies, let me know what you think?

xoxoxoxox Love you the the BONES *)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Serious shit

I want to do this, I'm so so so sick of yo yoing and staying in the whole 130's range. It pisses me fucking off, damn it, sorry ladies excuse my language but this shit has got to stop sometime. So, I googled and looked up and studied diets, and to my conclusion I think that far and foremost best results appear to be coming from those whom have done the Master Cleanse. Some for 3 days, some for 10, I'm not sure how long I will last, but I'm doing it. Your support is needed most starting now. Please keep in touch with me, If you want to loin, you are much more than welcome.

So, here is the recipe:

LEMON DRINK for your Master Cleanse
you need:
2 tablespoons FRESH squeezed lemon or lime juice (approx. 1/2 lemon)
2 tablespoons genuine organic maple syrup, Grade B (the darker the better)*
1/10 teaspoon (a small pinch!) cayenne pepper, gradually increase (the more BTUs the better)
300 - 500 ccm (10-14 oz) pure water
In a 300ccm (10-ounce) glass (to allow for 227ccm and mixing room): 2 tablespoons fresh (and organic, if possible) lemon or lime juice (absolutely no canned or frozen juice). 2 tablespoons real (and organic, if possible) grade B or C maple syrup. (Don't use Grade A maple syrup or maple-flavored syrup. They are over-refined, which means that they are mostly refined sugars and lack essential minerals.) A small pinch of cayenne pepper (to taste). Spring or purified water, between room temperature and medium hot (but not cold) – fill to 1/4 liter (8 oz). Mix all the ingredients by thoroughly stirring or shaking, and drink. Or, in two 1 liter bottles: Juice of 3 lemons, divided equally between the two bottles (about 85ccm or 3 oz per bottle) An equal quantity of grade B or C maple syrup in each bottle (about 85 ccm or 3 oz per bottle) A pinch of cayenne in each bottle Spring or purified water (fill bottles to the top) Mix all the ingredients by thoroughly shaking; then drink throughout the day. Use fresh lemons or limes only, never canned or frozen lemon juice. Use organic and vine ripened when possible. Also, mix your lemonade fresh just before drinking. Don't mix it up in the morning for the whole day. You can, however, squeeze your lemons in the morning and measure out the 2 tablespoons when needed.

Drink an oral salt water enema upon arising. To do this, add 2 level teaspoons of uniodized sea salt to a quart of lukewarm water (the one-quart juice bottles in which most organic juices come work very well). Shake well, then drink the entire quart. It's also good to massage the colon as well. Make sure you use uniodized sea salt; regular or iodized salt will not have the same beneficial effect. This oral enema will flush out your entire digestive tract and colon from top to bottom, usually within an hour, prompting you to eliminate several times, clearing out the plaque and debris from the walls, and the parasites that have been living there.

Lemonade Drink:
Drink the lemonade mix every 1 to 2 hours. Take no other food, but do be sure to drink plenty of purified water in addition to the lemonade drink. Drink as much of this lemonade as you want, but make sure that you drink at least twelve 1/4 liter (8 oz) glasses. The lemonade contains all the vitamins and minerals you need. This can be combined with supplements for colon cleansing such as Bentonite or Psyllium Seeds. You don't have to start your fast on the morning of the first day. You can begin later in the day, even if you've already eaten. Once you begin, however, eat nothing more while you're on the fast. It's also a good idea to read Stanley Burrough's book, The Master Cleanser. Note: Diabetics, refer to the special instructions on page 19 of The Master Cleanser.

Note: Bentonite is the only product known to remove plaque from the walls of the intestine and colon. The plaque in your stool will look like egg shells on the outside of the bentonite "gel." Bentonite works most effectively when the colon is empty of food. It grabs the plaque which has been loosened by the lemon juice and the resting/fasting process. The salt water enema pushes out the bentonite gel and the plaque and debris that is stuck to it and in it. The salt water further cleanses the walls as it passes through, resulting in shiny clean walls.

Herbal Laxative:
Each evening you can drink an herbal laxative tea to help with elimination, do this right before bed time.

Burroughs recommends a minimum of 10 days on this. You can safely do 40 days or more.
First Day: Start with 4 oz. [1/8 liter] fresh squeezed orange juice mixed with 4 oz. water. If it goes well, drink several more 8 oz. [1/4 liter] glasses of fresh orange juice during the day. Sip slowly. Dilute with water if needed.
Second Day: Drink several 8 oz. [1/4 liter] glasses of orange juice during the day -- with extra water, if needed.

In the evening make a vegetable broth (no canned soup). Use seasonal leafy and root vegetables such as: beets and beet tops, turnips and turnip greens, kale, carrots, onions, parsley, celery, potatoes, okra, one or two inds of legumes, squash, beans, a little salt, cayenne pepper and dehydrated vegetables or veg. powder may be added for flavor (no MSG or hydrolyzed protein).
Cook lightly. Drink the broth, eating only a few bites of the vegetables.
Third Day: Orange juice in the morning. At noon have some more soup with some of the vegetables. No meat, fish, eggs, bread, pastries, tea, milk, or coffee. For Dinner, have the vegetables in the soup.
Fourth Day: Orange juice or lemon and maple syrup in the morning. Fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts for lunch. Salad or fruit for dinner.
Fifth Day: Eat normally but no junk food, dairy, tea, coffee, white flour or white rice, heavy animal proteins. If, after eating is resumed, distress or gas occurs, go back to the lemonade diet for a few days until the system is ready for food.
(Excerpt from "Healing for the Age of Enlightenment" by Stanley Burroughs -Stanley Burroughs Master Cleanse - available through Essential Science Publishing.)